The Old Greenhouse Chichester

The Old Greenhouse, Chichester 82 Fishbourne Road West - Chichester

• British
• International
• Contemporary
• Sit down

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Ratings of The Old Greenhouse

Last update on 29/11/2023
9 Reviews


Last update on 31/05/2021
377 Reviews


Dave Metcalfe
Where do I start. Well it's certainly a memorable experience. The restaurant is small (16 covers) and is only open for bookings, so you can't just pop in. However, it's well worth booking. Nik will open for small numbers, there were only 8 diners when we were there. The menu changes daily and offers a good selection of starters, main courses and then dessert or cheese to finish off. A varied menu, you're sure to find something you like (in fact my wife and I found it hard to choose!!). The food choices are great, the menu inventive and the results superb. Nik is a bit of a character, welcoming and very likeable. He has a wealth of knowledge and experience and supplements the food menu with an excellent selection of wine. Give it a try, you won't regret it ... but don't forget to book!!
Kate Ne0n
I thought id book here as i needed to be close to Goodwood motor circuit. It is very close to there which was very useful. I am truly glad i booked this accommodation. The room was lovely, we had the ground floor suite. The bed was huge and comfortable (maybe a thinner quilt would be best for the summer, BUT that’s my only down point!!) The breakfast in the little hut outside was very pleasant. Fruit to start and a cooked breakfast with perfectly cooked scrambled egg. I would definitely come back!
Jean-Jacques Dodet
Perfect Last year on the FOS, we unfortunately stayed on the opposite side of the street (the woolpack in. The worst hotel I ever went). So we cross the street and go in this restaurant, the owner was very friendly and the food was very great. I didn't visit the bedroom but I think it's like the restaurant. Clean and cosy. So enjoy your time in this Bed and Breakfast. Hello to the chef if he remember us, during the FOS, a young couple with a 14 months baby called Giorgio.
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THE OLD GREENHOUSE, CHICHESTER - 82 Fishbourne Road West - Menu and Prices

Our aggregate rating, “Sluurpometro”, is 98 based on 446 parameters and reviews

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