Chicken Village Warrington

Chicken Village, Warrington 150 Orford Lane - Warrington

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Recommended by 2 people
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Based on 764 ratings and reviews
70 /100
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Menu Chicken Village

  • Drinks
    • 1.5L (Coca-Cola)
    • 0.33L (Pepsi)
    • 0.33L (Pepsi Max)
    • 0.5L (Water)
    • 0.33L (7-Up)
  • Milkshakes
    • Regular (Milkshake)
    • Large (Milkshake)
  • Special Offers
    • Boneless Bucket
    • On It's Own (Tandoori Chicken Fatayer)
    • Meal (Tandoori Chicken Fatayer)
    • On It's Own (Spicy Beef Fatayer)
    • Meal (Spicy Beef Fatayer)
  • . . .
  • Browse the menu

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Ratings of Chicken Village

Last update on 16/11/2023
193 Reviews
Last update on 16/11/2023
69 Reviews
Just eat
Just eat
Last update on 16/11/2023
16 Reviews


Uber eats
Last update on 16/11/2023
29 Reviews


Last update on 09/11/2023
28 Reviews


This place has been reviewed b0mbed into the ground. For that reason I've avoided it but today I was curious to see how bad could it be. Inspecting the reviews, most 1 star reviews seem to be about delivery time, around 70 percent. The rest is a mixture of cold/raw food and poor customer service. A few of them are definitely fake but mostly not the ones the owner accuses of being fake. And it's odd there are so few pictures for so many bad reviews. Mind you, some of the 5 star reviews also seem fake and go along the lines of "best food I've ever had the pleasure of tasting!!!", but only a couple are like that. I went in person. I had large fries 1.99, 12 chicken strips 7.49 and 2 dips for 1. While the fries were quite skinny and the strips were on the smaller side, for the price it was great and I couldn't finish it all in one sitting. The food seemed fresh and was very hot. Though I did notice some chicken wings in the prepared food area that did not look too appetising. The food tasted good too. I think this place deserves 4 stars for being satisfactory, 5 stars is for places that are exceptional but I think the current rating is unfair so I will give 5 stars. I would suggest improving the customer service and especially the delivery service because that's where most of the bad reviews seem to be coming from.
A Stefan
Too salty for my taste/ health but very tasty. Delayed by 90 min ( should receive order at 10pm but arrive at 23.30 because of some website issue I assume, called one hour after placed delivery and they didn't know about my order, maybe to busy to see it? They made up to it tho so I am happy. Also wrong pizza ( wife ordered meaty pizza with 3 types meat and we got pepperoni pizza instead which I like very much.. so happy again ... ) Wings were not spicy, just very salty... but juicy! So made a garlic sauce to mix it with and went great! My advice for this shop is to improve they're delivery and the online orders system to avoid this issues, maybe have like screens with orders from all platforms for staff to easily see order etc? And customers advice for now, just phone them up to make sure it got delivered to avoid delay, my wife a bit impatient on the call on how she talk to staff but even so they were calm, responsive and fixed it in the end! Order placed 9.30pm, 10.30pm phoned and order reordered... 11 30pm arrived. Good luck and thanks for reading!
Balen Shaxawan
Delivery was on time , the driver were polite , definitely gonna order from there again .
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Now Open
11:00 AM - 12:00 AM
11:00 AM - 12:00 AM
11:00 AM - 12:00 AM
11:00 AM - 12:00 AM
11:00 AM - 01:00 AM
11:00 AM - 01:00 AM
11:00 AM - 12:00 AM

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CHICKEN VILLAGE, WARRINGTON - 150 Orford Lane - Menu and Prices

Our aggregate rating, “Sluurpometro”, is 70 based on 764 parameters and reviews

If you need to contact by phone, call the number +44 1925 419000



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Ratings and reviews

Based on 764 ratings and reviews

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