Ganache Chocolatier London

Ganache Chocolatier, London 80 Brewer Street - London


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70 /100
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Ratings of Ganache Chocolatier

Last update on 06/01/2024
12 Reviews


Last update on 10/11/2023
5 Reviews


Andrew M
Best chocolates in town. Proper random but brilliant. This has to be the least cool shop in the west end but it sells coffee, chocolates and sweets. The coffee is illy (best branded bean), the sweets are proper retro and the chocolates.... they're the reason you have to come here. Can't recommend it enough. They sell the sweets my dad/grandad would bang on about.
Oluwatosin Wasi Daniju
First stumbled across this little place (in our heads, a Turkish café, which also happened to sell chocolates) with a friend, after seeing a recording at the BBC. We had coffee (I had a turkish coffee, which was good) and some turkish delight (not so great - maybe had been in the window for a while, so not that fresh). Despite the latter, i decided to go ahead with my initial decision to get some chocolates to take home. Oh. Em. Gee! as the latin lover narrator in jane the virgin would say. the chocolates were incredible. i tried to eke them out for as long as possible, but they were soon gone. Then i tried to re-find the cafe. and i couldn't!! i looked up every possible variation of 'turkish coffee shop piccadilly that i could think of, to no avail. then, one day, just going through piccadilly with another friend, we turned a corner, and there it was!!! i was so happy, i went in, bought another box of chocolates, and told the woman in there the whole (admittedly highly unexciting to anyone but me) story of trying to find it again. so, there you have it. a very unassuming looking place, with absolutely exquisite chocolates and good turkish coffee. what more could you ask for, really? (ok, delicious turkish delight would be nice, but really, they don't even get a look in with those chocolates around).
Pietro Crovetto
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GANACHE CHOCOLATIER, LONDON - 80 Brewer Street - Menu and Prices

Our aggregate rating, “Sluurpometro”, is 70 based on 77 parameters and reviews

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