Rinkoff Bakeries London

Rinkoff Bakeries, London 79 Vallance Road - London


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82 /100
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Menu Rinkoff Bakeries

  • Bagels
    • Cheddar Cheese
    • Cheddar and Grilled Vegetables
    • Cheese and Pickle
    • Cream Cheese
    • Brie and Sundried Tomato
  • Rolls
    • Cheddar Cheese
    • Cheddar and Grilled Vegetables
    • Cheese and Pickle
    • Cream Cheese
    • Brie and Sundried Tomato
  • Pasta
    • Tuna and Mixed Veg
    • Mixed Grilled Veg
    • Pesto and Mixed Grilled Veg
    • Chicken Basil and Tomato
  • . . .
  • Browse the menu

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Ratings of Rinkoff Bakeries

Last update on 30/11/2023
176 Reviews


Last update on 10/11/2023
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8 Reviews


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Last update on 01/01/2022
181 Reviews


Last update on 01/01/2022
351 Reviews


Spicy Commander
For a corner bakery with awesome ranges of desserts, sandwiches and cooked breakfast. It's not surprising it's been around since 1911. The guys who serve up the food are van Gogh's of food they create art. Looks good, taste devine. Can get very bust at times. Must try.
10 months ago
Sober N Starving
What: bakery with cronuts

Where: near Whitechapel

Value: £2.50 for a cronut

Review: Before reaching the shop, located in a tiny side alley, that is hard to find (makes you work for the cronuts) you can smell the sweet pastry from inside the tiny standard looking bakery. However, the pastries being churned out from this bakery are far from. The range of flavours and the freshly baked bakery feel, makes it a homely family run style shop. The sweet flaky pastry with it simple yet moorish fillings keep you coming back for more.

Settings Review: Tiny bakery with no seating area and located in a back alley. This unusual location is due to the fact that it is a local bakery that focuses on its produce as opposed to location. 

Positive: amazing cronuts

Negetive: hard to find

3 words: sweet, tantilising, moorish
Sep 12, 2014
Maybe It's Because
By Koray Hussein

Before I get going with this one I feel there are two points that you guys need to know:

1. I have an almost non-existent sweet tooth. My idea of dessert is another plateful of dinner with less pepper on it. I’m like the eunuch of sweet fancying… actually scratch that. That was an awful comparison.

2. I was in a really bad mood. I’d been walking all day (My fault), I’d packed too much into my camera bag (Also my fault) and it was extremely hot (Not my fault).

So taking both those points into consideration, you would have thought that walking into Rinkoff’s (The Vallance Road branch, not the better known Jubilee Street branch) and ordering £14 worth of various pastries and a mahoosive chocolate crodough would be a bad idea.

It was not.

I hadn’t really researched what kind of pastries were available at Rinkoff’s (apart from the aforementioned crodough) so I pretty much went in blind. I told them that I was having a small get together and wanted roughly £10 worth of pastries for us all to share after dinner.

A chocolate crodough was the first in the box, followed by a hunger inducing mix of smaller pastries topped with raisins, jams and chocolate. When filled and weighed the entire box actually came close to £15 but they generously offered to give me the box for £10.

I left the shop, took a few shots from the outside and hurried home as the smell of the crodough alone was tempting me to rip open the box in the middle of the street and devour it right then and there.

Once I got home though, I quickly forgot about the guests who were on their way over, opened the box and gazed in at all the fluffy, flakey goodness.

For some reason I can’t explain however, once I took my first bite of one of the smaller chocolate filled pastries I was rather underwhelmed. It didn’t hit the right spot and I was genuinely upset that Rinkoff’s had been built up in my mind to such an extent that it wasn’t able to deliver… I took another bite, finishing off the piece (It was small! I wasn’t taking massive caveman bites) wondering if there was any point in eating another.

I am so glad I did.

I went right back into the box, pulled out an apricot filled piece which smelled absolutely beautiful and took a cautious bite.

Oh my God.

I almost instantly forgot about the first chocolate pastry I’d eaten and reached straight back into the box to fish out another.

I’d love to sit here and compare each different type of pastry that was in the box for you but it would be rather pointless. Apart from that very first piece, they were all delicious.

I will however describe one more to you: The crodough… Not only was it substantially bigger than I had thought; it was way sweeter too. Now I did go for the chocolate one, which admittedly was slathered in the stuff but as I had gotten to the store in the early afternoon there wasn’t much choice and I went for the chocolate as it seemed like a nice classic flavour to test out. Had there been less chocolate I could definitely see myself enjoying the crodough a hell of a lot more than I did. Not to say I didn’t enjoy it, but as I said before, I haven’t got much of a sweet tooth. For a chocolate fanatic this could quite possibly be the dream dessert.

I fully intend to go back and pick out three or four more crodoughs and sample each but until then all I can say is that the fruit pastries that are on offer at Rinkoff’s are outstanding and a must for any pastry fan. The chocolate ones on the other hand? I wasn’t entirely sold.

If you want to see our other non-food related reviews and features please visit our site.
Jul 13, 2014
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07:00 AM - 05:00 PM
07:00 AM - 05:00 PM
07:00 AM - 05:00 PM
07:00 AM - 05:00 PM
07:00 AM - 05:00 PM
08:00 AM - 03:00 PM

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RINKOFF BAKERIES, LONDON - 79 Vallance Road - Menu and Prices

Our aggregate rating, “Sluurpometro”, is 82 based on 800 parameters and reviews

If you need to contact by phone, call the number +44 20 7247 6228



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