Angel In The Fields London

Angel In The Fields, London 37 Thayer Street - London

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• Pub
• British

Recommended by 2 people
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Last update on 29/11/2023
880 Reviews


Last update on 10/11/2023
69 Reviews
Last update on 02/10/2023
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Last update on 02/10/2023
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Beer in the evening
Last update on 31/05/2023
50 Reviews


The Traveller Fork
Great location, affordable prices with a great atmosphere, I highly recommend to visit if you are a tourist in the city and want to experience a true traditional bar. The drinks and prompt service are really good, will definitely come back again if in London and in Marylebone.
Feb 23, 2017
Christophe PFERTZEL
A pub we came across on our way back from the Wallace Collection museum (to be honest it was just around the corner). Lovely decorated with some sort of stained glass windows, full of dark brown wooden furnitures, walls and beams, it is a perfect place to have a pint (or two) of their Sam Smith brewery ales and ciders. Kitchen was closed at the time we arrived so we can't tell much about it. Bar guy was nice and friendly.
London Pub Map
🚇 Bond Street 🍺 £4.60 Double Four Lager ❤️ A Sam Smiths pub with an angelic feel. . The Angel In The Fields is located in the heart of Marylebone on the corner of Thayer Street and Marylebone Lane. Bond Street is the nearest tube which is a five minute walk away. . As pub buildings go, this pub is very understated and almost inconspicuous. Whilst I was roaming around, I had to check Google Maps to make sure this was the pub I was looking for. . Inside, is a completely different ball game. The decor here is traditional with walls clad in dark wood panelling. The bar is also made with dark wood and is in an unusual position as it backs on to the window wall, never seen that before. The stand out feature here are the stained glass windows, they have a unique floral design which almost makes the pub feel sacred, which of course all pubs are. . This is a Sam Smiths pub so all the booze consists of in-house beers, wines and spirits. I had the Double Four Lager which is a nice session lager and costs less than a fiver. Upstairs is the lounge bar which is predominantly used as a dining area, the menu is British pub grub, Fish & Chips will set you back £13.95. . Because this is a Sam Smiths pub there are a few rules attached that you need to be aware of, no phones, laptops, ipads, speak and spells. Oh another thing, you need to mind your P&Q’s no swearing in here. . As this was a hot and sunny day the majority of punters were sat on the benches at the front of the pub, inside was quiet. There were a few inside, I sat by two Japanese ladies who were happily quaffing away on a couple of pints. I managed to have a chat with the Guv’nor, what a nice fella, he was telling me about how busy he’s been with recent Rolling Stones and Pearl Jam fans using the pub pre-gig. . Sam Smiths pubs seem to divide opinion but personally I’m a fan. The decor here is fantastic and even though there prices have gone up, the price point is still less than most London pubs. One other note, the last three Guv’nors I have met have been great, full of personality and happy to chat. . ℹ️ Info correct on visiting 10/07/22
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Now Open
12:00 PM - 11:00 PM
12:00 PM - 11:00 PM
12:00 PM - 11:00 PM
12:00 PM - 11:00 PM
12:00 PM - 11:00 PM
12:00 PM - 11:00 PM
12:00 PM - 10:00 PM

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ANGEL IN THE FIELDS, LONDON - 37 Thayer Street - Menu and Prices

Our aggregate rating, “Sluurpometro”, is 80 based on 1977 parameters and reviews

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