Mrpaellaliverpool Liverpool

Mrpaellaliverpool, Liverpool 2 Campbell Square - Liverpool

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Ratings of Mrpaellaliverpool

Last update on 17/11/2023
62 Reviews


Last update on 12/11/2023
1 Reviews


Barry Ward
First time here but WOW! what a lovely place. It's so beautiful inside and it had a great atmosphere. They had a live Spanish duet on and it really added to the experience. All the staff were so friendly and nothing was too much trouble for them. As for the food, it was exceptional. My wife and I ordered 6 tapas and a garlic bread with cheese to share. Everything was really tasty and with a large jug of Sangria to wash it all down, we were full and happy when we finished! I can't believe we left it so long to visit, but it won't be long until we return.
I was able to try two different kinds of paella from this restaurant and not only is it a truly truly traditional Spanish restaurant and very enjoyable, but they went above and beyond on helping us get our order and it was all very appreciated. I had the chicken and chorizo one which was full of flavour and a real treat for lunch and then I had the seafood paella and that was even better. The seafood paella's presentation was incredible, it looked and was served in traditional dishes and to top it all off it tasted amazing. I have only had paella on holiday as I have never trusted buying it in the UK but this restaurant has changed my mind on this stance. Was an absolutely lovely meal. Recommend. :)
Jenny Clegg
We had Paella delivered today at work as a treat from our Director. It was a lovely surprise and it tasted delicious. We had 3 different ones delivered. I had Chicken & Choriso and it was full of flavour. This was my first time having Paella and I was not disappointed. I will be back. Thank you and definitely recommend. :) xx
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MRPAELLALIVERPOOL, LIVERPOOL - 2 Campbell Square - Menu and Prices

Our aggregate rating, “Sluurpometro”, is 96 based on 123 parameters and reviews

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