Skara Greek Grill Kitchen Brighton

Skara Greek Grill Kitchen, Brighton 23 Waterfront - Brighton

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Ratings of Skara Greek Grill Kitchen

Last update on 17/11/2023
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Last update on 11/11/2023
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Last update on 24/05/2023
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Last update on 24/05/2023
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Last update on 11/01/2023
18 Reviews


Sarah Ogle
When I first walked in, the place was empty and I started to think oh no, what have I booked.. the staff were extremely friendly, although there is only Jess currently working at the moment, I feel she did an excellent job (the only advice I’d give Jess is not to ask people if they want the bill, that’s usually the customers job!) the owner takes the time to come out and check that everything is ok and if we have enjoyed our food. The food was so flavoursome, although the next day can leave you feeling extremely thirsty. Other than that I thoroughly enjoyed my visit and would definitely visit again.
Trela Michał
This is one of my most favourite venues in Brighton. As a non chain, custom decorated one of a kind place this restaurant brings something new, fresh and unique to Brighton Marina. Restaurant owned by a genuine Greek family, always beautifully tidy with very friendly attentive staff. Live Greek music events give this plave a very sweet cosy almost family like atmosphere. The food is served after a very reasonable time and its just delicious. I'm a terribly fussy person and I must say I just love their food. On quieter moments the cheff personally attends guests to hear their feedback about the food. Portions are huge and the food is delicious. I recommend this place to anyone looking either for a quick decent quality lunch or for a full family dinner in a great friendly atmosphere (having given the covid restrictions Skara is in a really good position as the venue is very spacious and tables are well away from each other so it feels safe) if you would like to extend your stay for a nice cocktail or a glass of something stronger, the Emerald bar below will have everything you want! Aha, they offer Greek coffee, interesting alternative for any coffee loving person like myself 😃. I can't really recommend this place enough and my friends love it too!
Great food and staff attentive. While the food was delayed, the staff were charming and we weren't in a hurry so it didn't matter too much. And, we had free drinks for the delay. Would definitely recommend and happy to return.
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05:00 PM - 10:00 PM
05:00 PM - 10:00 PM
05:00 PM - 10:00 PM
12:00 AM - 10:00 PM
12:00 AM - 11:00 PM
12:00 AM - 10:00 PM

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