Happiness 2 menù, Newcastle upon Tyne
Happiness 2 Newcastle upon Tyne - Menu
甜品 Desserts
盒装泡芙 Chocolate Profiteroles
5 £
4块手工盒装小蛋糕 4 Pieces Homemade Cake
5 £
提拉米苏 Tiramisu
3 £
Cheese Yogurt Cake芝士酸奶蛋糕
3.7 £
chocolate cake巧克力蛋糕
3.2 £
Pork Floss Roll香葱肉松卷
3 £
芋泥Mash Taro
1 £
无糖 None
冷 Cold
芋圆 Taro
1 £
微糖 Dash
少冰 Less Ice
0.5 £
珍珠 Bubble
0.5 £
半糖 Half
去冰 No Ice
鸡胗chicken gizzard
芦荟 Aloe
0.5 £
7分甜 3-Quarter
热饮 40°
鸡心chicken hearts
椰果 Coco Jelly
0.5 £
正常 Standard
牛筋beef tendons
布丁 Pudding
0.5 £
多糖 Extra Sugar
鸡柳chicken fillet
红豆 Red Bean
0.5 £
鸡翅chicken wing
不加料No Topping
土豆片sliced potatoes
豆腐结tofu skin
鱼豆腐fish tofu£1
鱼丸fish ball
馒头片儿sliced bread
肥肠 pig intestine
一杯纯茶 Original Tea
桐木红韵 Aged Black Tea
Black tea.
4.1 £
高山青茶 Four Season Tea
Oolong tea.
4.1 £
冻顶乌龙 Pure Oolong Tea
Dark oolong tea.
4.1 £
三窨茉莉 Imperial Green Tea
Jasmine green tea.
4.3 £
午时金桂 Osmanthus Oolong Tea
Osmanthus flower, oolong tea.
4.3 £
飘香奶茶 Classic Milk Tea
经典红韵醇奶茶 Black Milk Tea
Black tea, milk.
4.5 £
飘香四季醇奶茶 Four Season Milk Tea
Oolong tea, milk.
4.5 £
轻焙乌龙醇奶茶 Pure Oolong Milk Tea
Dark oolong tea, milk.
4.5 £
三时茉莉醇奶茶 Jasmine Green Milk Tea
Jasmine green tea, milk.
4.7 £
金粟桂花醇奶茶Osmanthus Milk Tea
Osmanthus Milk Tea
4.7 £
抹茶鲜奶绿绿Matcha Milk Tea
Matcha Milk Tea
5 £
黑色幽默 The Sweet Tea-less
Brown sugar, milk.
5 £
乌邦鸳鸯滑奶 Coffee Milk Tea (Large Only)
Caffe, milk, black tea.
5.3 £
黑糖烤奶芋圆 Brown Sugar Roasted with Taro (Large Only)
Brown sugar, milk, taro.
5.8 £
奥利奥珍珍奶 Orea Milk Bubble Tea (Large Only)
Oreo, milk, Bubble
5.8 £
芝士奶盖纯茶 The Floating Tea
芝士脆珠红岩 House Black in Snow
Black tea, cream mousse.
4.7 £
芝士四季春茶 Four Season in Snow
Oolong tea, cream mousse.
4.6 £
芝士乌龙红了 Oolong in Snow
Dark oolong tea, cream mousse.
4.7 £
芝士茉莉香香 Imperial Green in Snow
Jasmine green tea, cream mousse.
4.9 £
芝士茉莉香香 Imperial Green in Snow
Osmanthus flower, oolong tea, cream mousse.
4.9 £
芝士抹茶绿绿Matcha Milk Tea in Snow
Matcha, Green Tea, Milk, Cream Mousse
5.4 £
源萃水果茶 Tea in Fruits
乌邦水果杯 Fruit Tea of St. Kitts
Oolong tea, mixed fruits.
6 £
蜜蜜荔枝 Lychee Tea on Red Grapefruit
Black tea, lychee, red grapefruit.
6 £
金汤台芒 Mango Tea on Lemon
Oolong tea, mango, lemon.
6 £
橙柚莉莉 Grapefruit Tea on Orange
Jasmine green tea, red grapefruit, orange, lemon.
6 £
西瓜森林 Watermelon Tea on Lemon
Oolong tea, watermelon, passion fruit, lemon.
6 £
香橙红颜 Orange Tea on Lemon
Jasmine green tea, orange, lemon.
6 £
春风红柚 Grapefruit Tea on Lemon
Oolong tea, red grapefruit, lemon.
6 £
鲜凤梨四季春 Pineapple with Spring Ice Tea
Oolong tea, pineapple.
6 £
满杯百香果 Passion Fruit in Green Tea
Green tea,Passion Fruit, Lemon
6 £
一颗柠檬茶 The Lonely Lemon
Black tea, lemon.
6 £
杨枝甘露 Mango Sago Juice
Mango, peach, sago.
6 £
紫气芒芒啵啵 Mango Mashed Taro with Lychee Popping Balls
Mango, Mashed Taro, Milk, Lychee Popping Balls
6 £
乌尖果奶 Fruit-Milk-Tea Ensemble
乌尖凤梨果奶 Pineapple Ensemble
Smoothie of oolong tea, milk, pineapple.
6 £
乌尖芒果果奶 Mango Ensemble
Smoothie of jasmine green tea, milk, mango.
6 £
乌尖草莓果奶 Strawberry Ensemble
Smoothie of jasmine green tea, milk, strawberry.
6 £
果茶果盖 The Floating Fruit Tea
桃之夭夭果盖 Peach and Dragon Fruit in Snow
Ice slush of oolong tea, dragon fruit, peach, cream mousse.
6 £
芝士芒芒果盖 Burmese Mango in Snow
Ice slush of oolong tea, mango, cream mousse.
6 £
红玉西瓜果盖 Egyptian Watermelon in Snow
Ice slush of jasmine green tea, watermelon, cream mousse.
6 £
霸气莓莓果盖 Strawberry in Snow
Ice Slush of Jasmine Green Tea, Strawberry, Cream Mousse
6 £
夏日鸡尾果饮 Utepia Fruit Yakult
橙橙益菌多 Utepia Orange Yakult
Orange, Yakult
5.7 £
桃桃益菌多 Utepia Peach Yakult
Peach, Yakult
5.7 £
芒芒益菌多 Utepia Mango Yakult
Mango, Yakult
5.7 £
草莓气泡优格 Utepia Strawberry Sparking Yakult
Strawberry, sparking water, yakult.
5.7 £
非橙勿扰 Orange Spaking Water on Lemon
Orange, sparking water, lemon.
5.7 £
蜜柚荔枝柠 Lychee and Red Grapefruit Sparking Water on Lemon
Lychee, red grapefruit, sparking water, lemon.
5.7 £
芒芒果海 Mango Sparking Water on Lemon
Mango, sparking water, lemon.
5.7 £
乌邦冰沙 Tropical Teafrappe
草莓很芒 The Strawberry and mango with Cherry Popping Balls in Storm
Strawberry, Mango, Cherry Popping Balls, Milk
6.5 £
手榨柠檬冰绿 Lime Blast
Ice blend of green tea, lemon, lime.
6.3 £
台芒茶冰乐 Mango Storm
Frappuccino of green tea and mango.
6.3 £
凤梨茶冰乐 Pineapple Storm
Frappuccino of green tea and pineapple.
6.3 £
抹茶茶冰乐 Matcha Storm
Frappuccino of Matcha of Green Tea
6.3 £
套餐饭配奶茶Set Meals
卤肉饭套餐 Pork Set Meal
台式卤肉饭 Belly pork in Chinese brown sauce on rice, 乌邦中杯奶茶 Utepia milk tea (Medium Size).
12.95 £
牛腩饭套餐 Beef Set Meal
香辣牛腩饭 Beef flank in spicy sauce on rice, 乌邦中杯奶茶 Utepia milk tea (Medium Size).
12.95 £