K. Cook Korean menù, London
K. Cook Korean London - Menu
Korean Fried Chicken
Classic Fried Chicken (原味炸鸡)
11.9 £
Sweet and Spicy Fried Chicken (作料炸鸡)
Select option with or without peanut (Allergens)
13 £
Half and Half Fried Chicken
Mix half classic and half sweet and spicy chicken. Select option with or without peanut.
13.5 £
With Chicken Katsu
Chicken Only M (4+4 Pieces)
With Peanut
Chicken Only M (8 Pieces)
Diced White Raddish
0.5 £
Chicken Only M (8 Pieces)
8.9 £
6.5 £
Non Spicy
Non Spicy
With Beef
1.5 £
With Beef
1.5 £
With Pork Katsu
0.5 £
With Pork
With Beef
0.5 £
With Beef
0.6 £
With Beef
1 £
With Beef
1.3 £
Chicken Only M (8+8 Pieces)
5.4 £
Without Peanut
Chicken Only L (16 Pieces)
5 £
Chicken Only L (16 Pieces)
5.1 £
With Pork
1.5 £
With Pork
0.5 £
With Pork
0.6 £
Non Spicy
With Pork
1 £
With Pork
1.3 £
Chi-Mec Set M (4+4 Pieces)
5.4 £
Chi-Mec Set M (8 Pieces)
5 £
Chi-Mec Set M (8 Pieces)
5.1 £
With Chicken
1.5 £
With Chicken
0.5 £
With Chicken
0.6 £
With Chicken
1 £
With Chicken
1.3 £
Chi-Mec Set M (8+8 Pieces)
10.4 £
Chi-Mec Set L (16 Pieces)
10 £
Chi-Mec Set L (16 Pieces)
10.1 £
With Seafood
1.5 £
With Seafood
0.5 £
With Seafood
0.6 £
With Seafood
1 £
With Seafood
1.3 £
Fried Vegetable Dumplings (V) (5 Pieces) (군만두 煎饺子)
5.5 £
Fried Chicken Dumplings (5 Pieces) (닭만두 鸡肉饺子)
6.5 £
Fried Pork Dumplings (5 Pieces) (돼지만두 猪肉饺子)
6.5 £
Steamed Vegetable Dumplings (V) (7 Pieces) (물만두 蒸饺子)
5.5 £
Stir Fried Mixed Vegetable (V) (야채볶음⻘炒 蔬菜)
9.9 £
Stir Fried Mixed Vegetable with Prawn 야채새우볶음⻘炒蔬菜(+虾)
11.9 £
Vegetable Pancake (V) (4 Pieces) (야채전 蔬菜薄饼)
6.8 £
Prawn Pancake (4 Pieces) (새우전 明虾薄饼)
7.5 £
Kimchi Pancake (V) (김치전 泡菜薄饼)
9 £
Seafood Pancake (해물파전 份海鲜薄饼)
10 £
Squid Ring Tempura (오징어튀김 油炸鱿⻥)
8 £
King Prawn Tempura (새우튀김 油炸虾)
8 £
Korean Rice Cake (떡볶이 韩国辣炒年糕)
8.5 £
Kimchi and Vegetables (V)
Kimchi (김치 泡菜)
4 £
Cucumber Kimchi (오이소박이黃瓜憲藥)
4 £
Diced Radish Kimchi (깍두기김치萝卜块泡菜)
4 £
Mixed Kimchi (모듬김치 韩国泡菜)
Including kimchi, cucumber kimchi and diced radish kimchi.
9 £
Seasoned Spinach (시금치나물凉拌菠菜)
4 £
Seasoned White Radish (무나물 凉拌萝卜丝)
4 £
Seasoned Green Bean Sprouts (숙주나물 绿豆芽 菜)
4 £
Seasoned Mix Vegetable (모듬나물 凉拌 三样)
Including spinach, white radish and bean sprouts.
7.5 £
Steamed Rice (밥白饭)
2.5 £
Bibimbap (비빔밥拌饭)
Served with Korean chilli paste sauce. V.
10.7 £
Fried Rice with Fried Egg
Kimchi Fried Rice (김치볶음밥泡菜炒饭)
9.5 £
Prawn Fried Rice (새우볶음밥明虾炒饭)
10.2 £
Seafood Fried Rice (해물볶음밥海鲜炒饭)
12 £
Katsu and Terriyaki with Rice
Pork Katsu (돈까스炸猪排饭)
Crispy breaded pork cutlet with special sauce.
10.2 £
Chicken Katsu (닭까스炸鸡排饭)
Crispy breaded chicken cutlet with special sauce.
9.5 £
Fish Katsu (생선까스炸鲜⻥排饭)
Crispy breaded cod with special sauce.
11.4 £
Chicken Teriyaki (닭테리야키日式鸡排饭)
Pan fried chicken with teriyaki sauce.
11.4 £
Salmon Teriyaki (연어테리야키日式三文⻥饭)
Pan fried salmon with teriyaki sauce.
11.9 £
Seafood Dupbap (해물덮밥海鲜韩式拌饭)
Mixed seafood and vegetables.
13 £
Eel Dupbap (장어덮밥鳗⻥拌饭)
Seasoned eel in special soy sauce.
15 £
Squid Dupbap (오징어덮밥鱿⻥拌饭)
Korean style spicy squid and vegetables.
11.4 £
Bulgogi Dupbap (불고기덮밥牛肉拌饭)
Korean style marinated beef and vegetables.
11.9 £
Spicy Pork Dupbap (제육덮밥猪肉拌饭)
Korean style spicy marinated pork and vegetables.
10.7 £
Chicken Dupbap (닭불고기덮밥鸡肉拌饭)
Korean style marinated chicken and vegetables.
10.7 £
Soft Tofu Dupbap (순두부덮밥嫩豆腐拌饭)
10.7 £
Tofu Dupbap (두부덮밥豆腐拌饭)
Deep fried tofu with special sauce.
10.7 £
Stir Fried Glass Noodle (잪채炒粉条)
9.9 £
Stir Fried Chow Mein (차우면炒面)
9.5 £
Spicy Seafood Udon (매운해물우동볶음香辣海鲜炒乌冬面)
11.9 £
Kimchi and Bean Sprout Udon (김치숙주우동볶음泡菜豆芽炒乌冬面)
10.2 £
Udon with Black Bean Sauce (짜장면 炸酱面)
10.2 £
Udon with Seafood and Black Bean Sauce (삼선 짜장면 海鲜炸酱面)
11.9 £
Katsu Udon
Choose which Katsu in options.
11.4 £
Noodle Soup
Hot Spicy Seafood Udon Soup (짬뽕香辣海 鲜乌冬面)
Special chilli stew with variety seafoods, vegetables and udon noodles.
11.9 £
Seafood Udon Soup (우동海鲜乌冬面)
Mild stew with variety seafoods, vegetables and udon noodle.
11.9 £
Stew with Rice
Spicy Beef Stew (육개장 香辣牛肉炖锅)
Beef briskets in a spicy stew with vegetables.
11.4 £
Hot Pot Bulgogi (뚝배기불고기韩国牛肉汤)
Sliced marinated beef in a special soy sauce with vegetables and glass noodles.
11.4 £
Soft Tofu Stew (순두부찌개 嫩豆腐炖汤)
Soft Tofu stew with vegetable and egg.
9.5 £
Kimchi Stew (김치찌개泡菜汤)
Spicy kimchi stew with tofu.
9.5 £
Soybean Paste Stew (된장찌개韩国大酱汤)
Pasted soybean stew with tofu and vegetables.
9.5 £
Beef Short Rib Stew (갈비탕牛排汤)
11.4 £
Cod Fish Stew (대구탕鳕⻥汤)
11.9 £
Spicy Seafood Stew (해물짬뽕밥香辣海鲜汤)
Special chilli stew with variety seafoods and vegetables.
11.9 £
Spicy Tripe Stew (내장탕牛犊汤)
Beef stomach, (honeycombe), pig liver and pig heart with special spicy chilli stew.
11.9 £
Samgyetang (삼계탕蔘鷄湯)
Whole baby chicken stew with sweet sticky rice inside, Ginseng, garlic and chestnut. (No steamed rice on the side)
16 £
Beef Bulgogi Sizzler (소불고기铁板牛肉)
13 £
BBQ LA Beef Ribs LA (갈비牛仔骨)
13 £
Bulnak Sizzler (불낙볶음铁板章⻥炒牛肉)
Stir fried marinated beef and octopus in spicy sauce.
17.9 £
Chicken Bulgogi Sizzler (닭불고기铁板鸡肉)
11.9 £
Chicken KKanpunggi (닭깐풍기香辣汁脆皮)
Crispy chicken with spicy sauce.
11.4 £
Chilli and Salt Chicken Kkanpunggi (고추닭깐풍기香辣盐鸡块儿)
Crispy chicken with chilli and salt.
11.4 £
Chicken Tangsuyuk (닭탕수육醋溜鸡块)
Crispy chicken with sweet and sour sauce.
13.5 £
Spicy Pork Bulgogi Sizzler (돼지불고기铁板猪肉)
12.5 £
Pork KKanpunggi (돼지깐풍기香辣猪肉块儿)
Crispy pork with spicy sauce.
11.9 £
Chilli and Salt Pork Kkanpunggi (고추돼지깐풍기盐椒猪肉)
Crispy pork with chilli and salt.
11.9 £
Pork Tangsuyuk (돼지탕수육糖醋里脊)
Crispy pork with sweet and sour sauce.
14 £
Pork Belly with Ginger (생갈삼겹살五花肉炒辣生姜)
12.5 £
Pork Belly with Chilli Paste (고추장삼겹살五花肉炒辣椒酱)
12.5 £
Pork & Squid with Chilli Paste (오삼불고기猪肉炒鱿⻥)
13.5 £
Pork and Tofu with Kimchi (돼지두부김치豆腐泡菜炒猪肉)
13 £
Pork with Kimchi (돼지김 치 泡菜炒猪肉)
12 £
Spicy Stir Fried Squid (오징어볶음炒鱿⻥)
12.5 £
Prawn Kkanpunggi (새우 깐풍기香辣炸虾)
Crispy prawn with spicy sauce.
13.5 £
Prawn Tangsuyuk (새우탕수육糖醋炸虾)
Crispy prawn with sweet and sour sauce.
13.5 £
Pan Fried Mackerel (고등어구이烤⻘⻥)
Half or whole pan fried mackerel.
8.5 £
Stir Fried Seafood (해물볶음炒海鲜)
Stir fried half shell mussels, king prawns, squids and vegetables.
18 £
Korean Soft Drinks
Aloe Vera (500ml) (알로에芦荟汁)
2.5 £
Morning Rice (500ml) (아침햇쌀韩国白米饮料)
3.5 £
Korean Grape Juice - Bong Bong (238ml) (봉봉葡萄汁)
2.2 £
Milkis (250ml) 밀키스
Fizzy yogurt and milk flavour. Milk soda.
2.2 £
Korean Beers
Hite - Korean Beer (330ml)
4.2 £
Soju (360ml/ALC 20.1%)
11.5 £
Soju Plum Flavour (360ml/ALC 13%)
11.5 £
Makgeolli - Korean Rice Wine (막걸리)
5 £
Korean Plum Wine (375ml/ALC 14%) (설중매雪中梅)
15.9 £