God Bless The Pig and all the excellent salt-of-the-earth good punters who drink in her! A reduced £3 a pint Monday to Thursday 11-5 since the catastrophic fire disaster The Pig is there in the community's great hours of need. To compare; The Elgin remains a wallet-busting £4.45p a pint of Guinness all day long. RIP Denis Murphy 10th October 1960 - 14th June 2017 negligently manslaughtered like 80+ others by the merciless disgusting penny pinching policies of the Posh First Kensington and Chelsea Conservative Council. In particular let us see appropriate justice - some jail time Please God - for head of social housing Rock Fielding-Mellen and council leader Nick Paget-Brown.
Great pub great people ! Hopefully Im not barred ��
Great atmosphere used it since it opened
Great atmosphere, excellent food and not too far to fall home.
It is a few steps from Latimer Road tube station. The people there are warm and friendly. There is a pub and open air area. Food and drink are ok too.
Best little Irish pub I found in years great vibe great bunch of friendly regulars wish I could have stayed longer and sampled food. Did manage to stock up on Taytos best crisps in the world. I had a pint to which was very reasonable priced staff friendly and helpful
Best pizza ever and the garden is great vibes
Very authentic london pub alot of locals dronk there and very friendly. Great garden space. Great food options and very reasonably priced. Great pizza takeout from garden recommend their pizza and Sunday roast!
Had a brilliant Notting Dale Pizza. Costs have gone up though with a 175ml tiny bottle of pinot grigio now costing £6 when it was £4 recently?
Best friendly staff
Very good food
People love pizza day
Good prices
Nice Irish feel
Everyone welcome 😁
Beautifully cooked food using great ingredients. Small manageable menu. Warm, knowledgeable staff. Feels grown up but also child friendly!
A great pub and so cheap I can't say a peep
I had 2 chance to had lunch in Pig and Whistle Pub. I’m so Happy with the foods and drinks I had.
Just stopped here randomly after carnival, well what can I say, great vibe very lively, there also was a live dj..he was great, it was not my type to music but had a enjoyable experience ..would go again if every in the area.
Very nice... clean and spacious. Pool table and large TVs. Kitchen is closed on Mons and Tues but pizza is available at the beer garden...check it out!
Great place for a Friday night drink up
I was there a few months ago. I got lost looking for a wine bar. An arranged invite (via email) with (scam) Labour party people whom I had never met before) in the vicinity and ended up thirsty. This pub was the nearest. I had never been inside before so was not familiar with the pub. It turned out to be a memorable Friday evening. Yes I would go back there again. A bit rowdy but that's the young generation. There is a Bar-B-Q area in a lovely spacious area in the backyard away from the main bar bordering next to a car wash service. It was Summertime and the sprinkling of water in the air was welcomed.
Barlady was lovely. Remembered our orders, nice vibes, from choosing songs on the juke box to watching the elders dancing.
Really relaxed vibes
Renato Alonso Mio Zaldívar
Good for a meal and a beer, cool music after 7 pm.
This is a pub for the people. The Whistle has a negative reputation that proceeds itself however I believe that any preconceptions about this establishment will change if it’s given a chance. In my experience I have never been to a public house that has such a strong sense of community and is so committed to serving the people of the local area. When you’re in there it genuinely feels like you’ve time traveled to 1991. I mean this in the best way possible. I watched every England match of the European Championship this year (2021) at the Whistle and I will cherish the memories I have of that competition for the rest of my life. Shout out Alexi and Shirley.
Could not have wished for a more perfect venue! I chose this little gem as the restaurant to celebrate our engagement in and exceeded all expectations. The night was perfect, the staff were great and the food was amazing! Thanks to all those at the Pig & Whistle - cannot wait to go back. Josh & Charlotte x
Great local boozer with pool table n disco. Short but memorable visit & will return 4 a pint or 2. X
Great local pub, with a nice atmosphere, good food (especially their pizza) and well priced drinks.
Whether your a local or just looking for a place in the area to grab a pint. The pig and whistle is your best option, don't let the grungy exterior scare you away.
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