Reviews Dukes Bar

Laissez Fare
I’m not sure I expected it to, though. After all, when @jezmd and I hatched the idea of doing a “High Class Martini Tour” around some of London’s more noteworthy cocktail caverns, it could only end in loss of sobriety and, quite possibly, much more.
Aug 12, 2010
The Prodigal Fool
Listening to these tales of Bond and learning about Martinis from the very accomplished Alex was a real pleasure.
Aug 04, 2010
Anuradha Bhatnagar
Old school, old world style, martini trolley, unlimited side nibbles, great service, in a quiet hotel off Green Park. This is a slice of British culture - the bar that inspired 'shaken, not stirred' Bond martinis. Ideal for the quiet pre-dinner cocktail, and the perfect way to end a night out on the town as well. I have heard that they won't serve you more than two of their standard martinis, they're just that strong, and I wasn't in any position to test this out. The bar shuts early, around 11.30pm.
Aug 30, 2013
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